For the month of October, we celebrate and bring awareness to Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is one of the most common intellectual disabilities that often gets overlooked. We want to promote the inclusion and acceptance of down syndrome people not only this month but year-round. Oftentimes people with this disability face stereotypes time and time again and always end up going against those myths and show that those don’t define who they are. As we dive deeper we’ll look into why Down Syndrome Awareness Month is so important during October and year-round.
It is worth noting that people with Down syndrome are born with their condition. They carry an extra chromosome and this affects the functions of their body and brain development. Their physical symptoms vary depending on the person. These can include a short attention span, poor judgment, impulsive behavior, slow learning, delayed language, and speech development.
It is important to recognize our language and tone as to not come off as disrespectful towards the Down Syndrome community. The National Down Syndrome Society shares, “I would like everyone to call us differently ables as opposed to retarded, handicapped or someone with an intellectual development disability because just about every one of us is differently-abled in some way.” Anyone with Down Syndrome has just as many aspirations as the next person does. They must navigate these differently just as many of us do. It doesn’t lessen their value nor their dedication.
So how do we celebrate Down Syndrome Awareness Month? This special month was dedicated to Down Syndrome Awareness month during the 1980s. It is a time where we bring light and awareness to people with Down Syndrome. Share articles, news, and posts with friends and family. People with Down Syndrome are very similar to us. It is a time where we try to debunk all the myths and stereotypes against people with Down Syndrome.
Learn more about Down Syndrome and ways to get involved here:

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