Here are some resources to help you volunteer, sign petitions, and protest.

While becoming educated and immersed within major worldly issues, the initiative to learn and gain knowledge is only the first step. Our steps to real change within our communities come from different forms of volunteering and interactions. For basic volunteer ideas and needs, start by finding community outreach programs and see what parts of your community is really suffering at the moment. Especially during a pandemic, volunteers are needed even more. Throughout the year, ideas of certain volunteer work or options will be provided below, or find ways to volunteer in-person or online yourself using sites such as Volunteer Match.

The words and the will of the people can truly move mountains. Your voice can help others in their situations and fight against injustices. The best way to become an ally is to find petitions to sign. Petitions use your name and your will to help fight a battle that is greatly needed. Below will be linked a few links to some major topics per week that we believe need to have attention towards.

“There may be times where we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest” - Elie Wiesel
Take a moment to focus on this quote. A protest is the power to speak up against injustice in a way that is more powerful than war. The unifying presence created by protesting exhibits the voices of a collective. It amplifies the voices of the unheard in order for the world to finally hear. Protesting is one way to use your voice and make an impact. Because there are moments where protesting is needed, we will provide dates and locations of specific protests that we hear in relation to what injustice is needed to be faced.