The greatest contributor to a society is a man.
This might seem like a very bold and absurd statement, but let me explain and state the reasoning behind this.
Within today and throughout all of the existence of humankind, the male has held this innate power obtained by society. A man, in no way, is superior to a woman and vice versa, but in the eyes of our society, a man is held up on this pedestal.
Without the shift and imbalance of power between both sexes, there would be no need for the fight that women have put up for centuries to gain respect. Unfortunately, that shift occurred. Being a woman within society, meant dealing with injustice stemming from the beginning. Simply being born a female meant that you had fewer rights than a man. That you could no longer be in a position of authority while being held seriously. That you could no longer be seen as equal to any of your male counterparts.
A little girl growing up will learn to cover up her body to avoid unwanted male attention. Why not teach the little boys that a woman is not to be seen as an object or a toy to sexualize? A little girl growing up will be shown a world in which women tend to be stay-at-home moms, or they work in fields that are seen as “easy.” Why should a little girl growing up be shown that only certain jobs are acceptable for her? A little girl growing up is told to allow herself to be called “bossy” and “rude” when she is just stating her opinion or mind. Why should a little girl growing up learn that the needs of herself come second to the needs of a man in power?
This is where the feminist movement has come in. Misconceptions upon misconceptions have been thrown around based upon what this movement is about. Contrary to many people’s beliefs: this movement is not about the woman gaining a superior position within society. It is about being seen as equal. Equal within the eyes of the law, but most importantly, being seen as equal within the eyes of society. Of course, this will take time, but the question that remains to be answered is in relation to why man is the greatest contributor to our society.
The answer simply lies within the power that society has granted them. If we refer back to the term, equity, we can recall that this term means using one’s need to help others reach an equal position within society. Basically, in simpler terms, if you are on a wall, give the person below you a helping hand to allow them to sit equal with you. Not higher. Not lower. Just the same. Equality. Equality through the efforts of equity will create a society built on fairness.
The man in a society is that person on top of the wall. They have this innate power granted to them as soon as they are born. They have this step ahead just from simply being a man. They are, therefore, the greatest contributor that can allow possible change to occur. They can create the change that is necessary to help women become equal to them. This is not saying that a woman can not do this on her own. She can and she will even without the help of a man. However, a man, who is willing to contribute to the feminist movement, can start to break down the walls of this embedded patriarchy that does not benefit anyone, even the man.
A male feminist is a man that could help change the course of history. A male feminist seeks to spread the correct message of what this movement is about. Equality. Nothing more. He works to dismantle ideals that hurt the women within this society. He works to educate his friends and families that a woman is not an object, not a thing to be sexualized based upon their own selfish greed. He works to help empower his sister to help her see that she can become a powerful woman who can become the next CEO of a major corporation. He works to dismantle the society that is built to hurt the female while solely empowering the male.
A man can help this fight for women by simply being proactive. Being proactive is the only way change can occur.
Before some minds wander about and question the things I have said, I do believe a male can be a feminist. A feminist is just someone who fights for the basic idea that gender should not be a cause for discrimination. A feminist is a strong person who fights for a woman’s right to be seen as equal.
A male is the greatest contributor to society. Because with his position and status that is simply given at birth, he can offer his helping hand to make sure equality is not an issue.
As a female, I write this, not to put pressure on a man to take this role in creating massive change within today’s world. I write this to offer a perspective in which you can finally see that the power and privilege you hold as a male can be the greatest benefactor in this movement for women.
Start slowly and get bigger with your impact. Start off basically by making sure to correct it when you hear comments, even in a private setting, that are degrading towards women. It starts small like that. If a woman can be respected in private, then, a woman’s respect in public will easily be gained.
Become the change you wish to see because as a man if you are reading this, you are the greatest contributor to this society. Now, let us see if you are willing to make a positive contribution or will you stay dormant.
